
Distributed Control System Architecture

Distributed control system is an advanced control technology that connects multiple distributed control units through a network to realize digital control of devices in different locations. Compared with the centralized control system, the distributed control system is known for its distributed structure and high reliability. The following is a detailed description of the architecture of the distributed control system:

1.Hardware composition

Signal conversion unit: These units are mainly responsible for converting the analog signals of field devices into digital signals for processing by the distributed control system, and converting the digital instructions of the distributed control system into signals that can be recognized by the field equipment.

Control processor: As the "brain" of the distributed control system, the control processor is responsible for receiving digital signals from the signal conversion unit, performing necessary calculations and analysis, and generating corresponding control instructions.

Communication interface: Responsible for data transmission within the distributed control system and between other systems. It ensures that the various control units can communicate smoothly, realize information sharing and collaborative work.

2.Software structure

System platform: Distributed control systems usually run on specific operating systems, such as Windows CE, VxWorks, etc., which provide basic computing and management functions.

Software environment: Including automation control software, data analysis software, measurement software, etc., these software together provide rich functions and powerful performance for the distributed control system.

Application layer software: According to specific control requirements and application scenarios, develop corresponding control programs to achieve real-time monitoring, control and management of equipment.

3.Communication protocol

Industrial Ethernet: In application scenarios with large data volume and long transmission distance, industrial Ethernet becomes the first choice due to its high bandwidth and high reliability.

Real-time control network: For control systems with high real-time requirements and sensitive to data transmission delays, such as production lines and robots, real-time control networks are more suitable.

Wireless sensor network: When the equipment layout is relatively scattered or the equipment functions vary greatly, wireless sensor networks provide a flexible and convenient solution, reducing wiring and maintenance costs.

In summary, the distributed control system has become an important technical means in the field of modern industrial automation with its distributed structure, high reliability and flexible configuration.

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